Sunday, October 14, 2007

Seattle Half

I was planning to go for the seattle full, but I dont think I'll be able to get my training upto par in just 5 weeks. I'm upto 21 miles this week (post Ramadan) already so I'm happy with the progress. This time I really want to break 2:00, although just my luck this course is going to be very very hilly. oh well, what goes up must come down.

Course map (click to open the pdf)

Elevation map (click to open the pdf)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Losing Muscle Mass ... fast

Ramadan is about 70% done and I've lost 3 pounds of muscle (definitely not fat!). Went for the saturday evening run with Sam/Laine/Eric/Larry and Fawad and boy did I feel it. The fact that it was 15 minutes post iftaar did not help.

I'd really like to get in on the Seattle Full marathon on Nov. 24th but unless I can regain my core strength I doubt I will be beating my stellar 5 hrs PR. Oh well lets see. I'll pretend I'm losing fat...

I'm thinking of writing to RW to find out more about running when you are fasting. Lets see...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Evo Morales

This is quite amazing. I have to read up on south american history. This is the stuff leaders are made of

Monday, September 10, 2007

voodenwille half

After a long hiatus, I'm back. The super jock and jill half was last week and it looked like it was going to be a pretty good day. I was under 9 minutes a mile for the first 11 miles and was all set to break the 2 hour barrier. But then the last mile or two, my neck cramped up, looking out for the cyclists. There were some very un-cooperative cyclists on the course, in fact we had a few accidents on the way as well. Shouting "on your left" shouldnt be that taxing... All in all it was a good day, I was pretty sore because I was running a lot faster than I usually do, I ended up with 2:08 (0:02 slower than my last run) I will break 2 hours one of these days. Ramadan will be fairly quiet but I'm looking at the seattle full end of november. Incidentally, my friend Ather (or Artie or Artemus or Artery as I call him) broke 2 hours on his first ever run, very very impressive.

Anyway, here are some pictures

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Concert videos

Hey All, we put some of the concert videos up, the sound quality isnt that great, but we'll be updating our myspace page with some studio recordings. This show was done in support of the dreamfly project, what they have to say about themselves:

We would like to make the world a better place - one child at a time. Idealistic? You bet!With so much of the world up in flames, its easy to get discouraged. But we can't afford to lose sight of the reality that every single person's life is worth something. If we can help one child realize her potential, we've started to crawl.We want to begin with at least a 100 children. Children who live on less than 50 cents a day. Whose parents have been unable to break the cycle of poverty. A cycle of at least a handful of generations. Children who have no access to quality education. Yet they dream crazy, imaginative dreams. Of becoming doctors, engineers, pilots, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and presidents. Children whose dreams have not yet been marred by their reality.

more info here:

Sarab, original:

Woh Lamhey:

Do Pal:

Suno: (original)

Super Jock 'n' Jill half

Another half coming up. I've heard its flat, maybe this time I break 2 hours.

In the meanwhile I might run the redmond footzone 5 K this weekend:

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Seafair results

Its been a while since I posted, so I thought I'd post my seafair results. Couldnt break the 2 hours but I'm hopeful for the next one. Does anyone know what division means?


number of finishers: 1619

number of females: 995

number of males: 623

average time: 02:22:16

Saad Ansari
age: 27

gender: M

location: Bellevue, WA

overall place: 740 out of 1620

division place: 45 out of 82

gender place: 398 out of 629

time: 2:07:03

pace: 9:42