Monday, February 26, 2007

Do Pal NTSC Secam

Do pal ka yeh jevan hay. from our practice session.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Music videos

Some of our practice videos are up:

Remember to donate for my run!
Thanks in advance!


Sending out the letters today. upto 300$, should go to $600 in a few weeks. Need to get people more motivated!!! Running has suffered a bit. I had a sore throat and missed yesterday's run. I'll run for about a half hour today during lunch. Need to get back on track!
Also thinking about recording our music in a studio setting. Live recordings only go so far...

Friday, February 16, 2007


Hey All. I think I have an audience of 1 right now, me :) hopefully when the word gets out more people come here. today is the concert. I'm going to try and steal 5 minutes and tell people about LLS (Leukemia and Lymphoma Society) and about the marathon and about the fact that I need to raise some moollah! My checklist is all good and ready. I have:

- My letter to the people
- My "friends romans countrymen" speech
- donor forms
- alaska air miles form
- matching forms

oh i still need the envelopes. Got the posters all ready too. now i can focus on the music :) watch this space for the music videos/clips. oh and check out thats my band. TMB.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Chroniks ?

... Kullz ah Narnia... I always thought that was a good name to give a blog. Derived in part from a brilliant short produced by the gifted writers at SNL. This is my attempt at chronicling my quest to run a marathon, all 26 point 2 miles of it. I'll put pictures, training schedule, general thoughts on how its coming along. I am running this as part of team in training for the Lukemia and Lymphoma society, and I need *you* to sponsor me. I promise to do my bit and run the entire distance :) TNT pledges that 75% of all donations go directly to a patient or cancer research, so please donate generously. As I start this blog I need to raise $3900 over the next couple of months. Let me know what you think.
Donate here:

As I leave, a thought (copied from one of my team-mate's blog :) )
"There is an underappreciated truth about disease: it will harm you even if you never get it. Disease reverberates outward, and if the illness gets big enough it brushes everyone."--N.R.Kleinfield